When you begin therapy with me, it may seem like a simple process. You walk in and talk and I listen with great interest and curiosity. I will ask you questions, and we will talk about the information you present. This is a three step process: conversation, insight, and action.
In reality, this process can be quite complicated. In order to accomplish these three steps, we must create a safe environment where you can say whatever you want or need to say, without judgment or criticism. In this safe place we create together, the focus is on you and what you are thinking, feeling and expressing.
The most important and effective aspect of therapy is the relationship with your therapist. Together, we will build a trusting relationship where you do not have to perform or worry about who you are “supposed to be,” regardless of what you were taught by your families or caretakers.
Within this relationship, you will have the freedom to bring your problems and pain out of hiding so that you may discover the many aspects of who you are. Together, we will understand what hurts you and use that knowledge to find ways of relieving your suffering and healing your pain.
What I bring to this process
I bring 25 years of experience and education. In these years, I have learned how to best use my knowledge, strength and abilities through practical application with clients. They have taught me the importance of a strong relationship, where they can believe that I will help them change their lives.
I have learned how to hear beyond the words you say, and tap into the feelings; to listen beyond your hurt and anger and hear your strength and abilities. My experience will help you recognize yourself and all that you are, so that you can use your strengths and abilities to live a happier life.
Katherine Broadway (919)881-2001
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