Distraction: The Opposite of Mindfulness

How many ways can we distract ourselves? There is a plethora of ways. Are all our distractions a waste of time? No. In fact, some of the most engaging ways to distract ourselves are useful and at times, important. Distraction can be a way to fill time, enable us to zone out and not think about or be aware of time passing.

Being distracted plays an important role in many people’s lives. The purpose of distraction varies according to one’s needs at any moment. I call the many ways of distracting ourselves the good, the bad and the ugly.

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Mindfulness Staying Tuned Into Your Life.

“Mr. Duffy lived a short distance from his body.” James Joyce.

Currently, mindfulness is a very popular idea: 60 Minutes had a segment covering it, there are TED Talks on it, and videos abound on YouTube. It seems new, yet it has been around for 1500 years. What is new is our ability to map the brain and see how it is affected by practicing mindfulness.

Mindfulness is defined as a way to intentionally pay attention to the present moment without being caught up in judgment and criticism. It is both a meditation form and a life style. It means staying awake, aware and paying attention to your thoughts, feelings and body sensations without passing judgment on what you are experiencing. It is about gathering information about yourself and your experiences. Your personal auto-pilot runs your life with old ideas and thoughts. Mindfulness is a way to begin to turn off your auto-pilot and make choices about your life.

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