Anxiety: a Tool to Help You Disengage

anxiety; A Tool to Disengage

Anxiety is something that has become all too common in our modern world, and is something many of us do not enjoy. Can you think of anyone who appreciates the dread and worry that comes from paying extra attention to an uncomfortable situation? For some people, it can even have a physical element, from headaches and upset stomachs to all out panic attacks.

Disengaging from the discomfort of anxiety can be as simple as breathing, when you know  what you need to do and when. First, we have to know a few things about feelings. Feelings are also called emotions…energy in motion.

All emotions trigger in the same way:

An event occurs;

  1.  There is a physical response;
  2.  You process the event in your thoughts;
  3.  There is an evaluation of the meaning of the event.

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Why? Why? Why?

“She did not make it,” the message read.

I knew what the words said, but my mind would not allow me to believe what they meant. Without a logical way to explain her sudden death, my mind refused to accept the situation. The pain and the grief were too great; the truth was too painful, too shocking, too awful.
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