Loss and Transition: 3 Necessary Steps

Loss and Transition

John walked into the office and before he sat down, he announced that he had sold his motorcycle.  It was a shock to me as well as to him.

Previously, he had casually mentioned that he might have to sell it.  He didn’t want to, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to ride due to back and hip issues.  It was sudden, almost impulsive, because after a difficult ride, he listed the bike for sale online. It sold within a few days to the first person who looked at it. Continue reading

Patterns, Maps and Finding Your Way In Relationships

Patterns, Maps and Finding Your Way In RelationshipsWe become who we are through relationships. Our early relationships shape and mold our internal maps of who we are, what we believe about other people and our expectations. These maps are largely unconscious until they begin to emerge in our important relationships.

Maps to guide us

These maps and the patterns they contain are acted out dramatically in our romantic relationships, but they also play out in less intense ways in all our relationships: with friends, with co-workers, even with children.

We are taught what love means in these early relationships. Those lessons become our “conditions for loving.” They come from how we were treated, how people talked to us, and how people talked about us in those early years.  They are the patterns necessary for us to feel loved.

These conditions will determine who we love and who we choose to be within relationships, both romantic and platonic. Everyone has conditions for loving

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Fantasy Football: Three Lessons To Learn

Fantasy Football

Yes, she’s a football fan.

It is that time of the year: Football season has arrived, and with it comes Fantasy Football.   In the last several years there has been an explosion of interest and participation in the past-time.

I called my daughter to wish her a happy birthday. She was delighted to hear from me and excited to talk, but she interrupted the conversation twice to take her turn in her fantasy draft.  Finally, she asked if she could call me back, saying she only had a few more players to pick and needed to concentrate.

I was fascinated by her behavior.

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