4 Ideas to Make Your Morning Better

Good morning

There are two kinds of people when the alarm goes off – those who love mornings, and those who don’t.

People who love to get out of bed wake up refreshed and ready to face the day. They are generally cheerful, happy and positive just because it is morning. They need nothing special and no encouragement to start their day.

On the other hand, there are those self-proclaimed morning haters. The alarm goes off and their first action of the day is to slam their hand down on the snooze button. They return to the realm of sleep as soon as possible and groan when the alarm goes off again.

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Happiness DYI: 5 Tips for Making Yourself Happier

Do you spend time thinking about how to make friends and how to get others to like you? Do you think about how to like yourself, or even how to be your own best friend?

When you like yourself, then the Harsh Inner Critic has less power over how you feel. You have more strength to fight back against the negative messages we all have inside. When you feel like a good friend to yourself, then you can recognize when the Internal Drama starts. Being your own best friend makes it possible to turn the negative thoughts and beliefs into the positive. This will increase your happiness.

Techniques to increase your happiness.

The same techniques that can be used to make others like you can be used to help you learn to like yourself.

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