Three Work Styles: Which are You?

three work stylesAn undeniably important step to creating a successful relationship is to understand some key aspects of yourself.  Among them is understanding how you choose to go about accomplishing a task. This can be anything from cleaning a house or office to planning for the future.  This can help you in friendships, romantic relationships, and in partnerships and teams in the workplace. Knowing your own work style and the style(s) of those around you, can help lower the stress and conflict around getting things done. Continue reading

Questions to ask yourself when trapped in the Internal Drama Triangle

In previous blog entries, we have talked about what to do when you are struggling with internal critical messages and the drama triangle. Today, I want to give you some questions to ask yourself at times when you can’t seem to untangle yourself from the confusion created by all the internal talk.

Sort Through the Voices: When you find yourself feeling like you have been bad or done something wrong, or when you keep circling around a problem or situation, stuck in the internal drama triangle, ask yourself some of the questions below. Try to identify what the Rescuer, Victim, and Persecutor are saying to you. This may find it easier to sort out what you need to do for yourself.

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