4 Qualities That Strengthen Your Relationships

4 qualities that will improve your relationshipsWhile attending a recent wedding, three couples caught my attention, because of the qualities in their relationships. The first was the bride and groom, who were aglow with love and excitement. Their happiness was apparent and infectious.

The second couple was nice enough to one another. They spent the majority of the evening separate and engaged with others. They spent little time together. They were  neither attentive nor unkind toward one another.

The third couple stood out for another reason.  They interacted with people and engaged in the activities, but there was something different about the way they related to one another.  The quality of their interactions grabbed my attention. Continue reading

A Poem for Valentine’s Day

A Poem for Valentine's Day, "You Learn"The following poem is like so many things you will find on the internet these days. Its origins are credited to at least two writers. One is a woman, Veronica A. Shoffstall. One is a man, Jorge Luis Borges.

I could find little on Veronica A Shoffstall except that she wrote it. In her version she uses the words:                                                                                                                                                                               “with your head up and your eyes ahead                                                                                                              with the grace of woman, not the grief of a child.”

There is extensive information about Jorgus Luis Borges. He was an Argentina poet and it was originally published in Spanish.

In Jorgue Luis Borges version he says:                                                                                                                  “And you begin to accept your defeats                                                                                                                  With your head up and your eyes open”.

There are two other slight differences I found. The form that was used in each poem is different and the titles are different. Morgue’s title is, “You Learn”. Shoffstall names her poem, “After a While.”

You can decide what you think about the origins of the poem, I have included both.

I publish it today as my Valentine to you.

My hope for you is that you can show yourself all the love you need today.

 “You Learn”

After a while you learn the subtle difference

Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,

And you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning

And company doesn’t mean security.

And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts

And presents aren’t promises,

And you begin to accept your defeats

With your head up and your eyes open

With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child,

And you learn to build all your roads on today

Because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans

And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn…

That even sunshine burns if you get too much.

So you plant your garden and decorate your own soul,

Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure…

That you really are strong

And you really do have worth…

And you learn and learn…

With every good-bye you learn.”

Jorge Luis Borges


After A While

After a while you learn

the subtle difference between

holding a hand and chaining a soul

and you learn

that love doesn’t mean leaning

and company doesn’t always mean security.

And you begin to learn

that kisses aren’t contracts

and presents aren’t promises

and you begin to accept your defeats

with your head up and your eyes ahead

with the grace of woman, not the grief of a child

and you learn

to build all your roads on today

because tomorrow’s ground is

too uncertain for plans

and futures have a way of falling down

in mid-flight.

After a while you learn

that even sunshine burns

if you get too much

so you plant your own garden

and decorate your own soul

instead of waiting for someone

to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure

you really are strong

you really do have worth

and you learn

and you learn

with every goodbye, you learn…

Veronica A. Shoffstall

May you have a love filled day. 

Katherine: (919)881-2001

Mid-week Special:The Body Talks

THE BODY communicationWhen Albert Einstein met Charlie Chaplin, Einstein said,“What I most admire about your art, is your universality. You don’t say a word, yet the world understands you!”

Silent film star Charlie Chaplin epitomizes the power of nonverbal communication.  Think about it for a moment: he mastered the use of facial expressions and body language to convey messages in a medium where words were not an option.  He did so to such a degree that in 1998 – well into the age when words, music, and CGI could tell the story in the movies – film critic Andrew Sarris called Chaplin “arguably the single most important artist produced by the cinema, certainly its most extraordinary performer and probably still its most universal icon”.

Chaplin can help us understand what we were talking about last week: the importance of showing up.  When you show up there will be a language spoken, even if words are not.  As in Chaplin’s day, it will be the language of your body. Experiences and feelings are expressed by your movements, your posture, your silence, and your stillness. Continue reading

6 Things I Learned From Being Left at the Train Station

Left at the station,what I learnedWhen we travel, my husband and I have a plan in case we get separated: the one left behind stays where they are and the other comes back to find them. We have this plan because we do a lot of train and subway travel and do not have cell phones. We have never had to use our plan, until our last vacation.

After 18 hours of travel, we were boarding out last train of that trip. It was chaotic, and one of our bags got misplaced. It contained all our photography equipment and a computer. For us, a big part of vacation is the joy of taking photos. Continue reading

11 Ways to Distract Yourself From the Harsh Inner Critic

safe place from Harsh Inner critic. distractionIt may feel like there is no way to get out from under the control of the Harsh Inner Critic. The messages are so powerful and feel so true. The good news is that with time, practice and support you can develop the skill to be in charge of your thoughts and how you respond to them. This is not to say you can have absolute control, rather it is the ability to not believe everything you hear inside and, therefore, be able to make choices.

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