6 Skills for Better Relationships

Whether it’s a friendship, a romance, or a family member, good relationships don’t just happen. They take work, and require skills. I’ve listed six of them below that I think are crucial to maintaining good relationships in all areas of life.

  1. Set Boundaries.
    It is important to know where you start and end, because it is easy to lose your sense of self in a new relationship. Getting caught up in the adventure of experiencing activities and ideas from a different perspective can override paying attention to yourself. You may neglect to notice your feelings about what you are doing and the amount of time you are spending with one person. Make sure you always check in with yourself before saying yes. Ask yourself, “Is this something I truly want or need to do?”
  2. Ask for what you want and need.
    No one can read your mind, so it is your responsibility to verbalize your wants and needs. Listen to yourself, feel your feelings, and trust yourself.

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Love Is In The Air!

Love is in the air

In 1977, John Paul Young released, “Love is in the Air”, his only worldwide hit. This could easily be the theme song for Valentine’s Day and the month of February.



Love is in the air everywhere I look around

Love is in the air every sight and every sound

And I don’t know if I’m being foolish, don’t know if I’m being wise

But it’s something that I must believe in, and it’s there when I look in your eyes.

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Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades of Fantasy

Fifty Shades of Grey sold 100 million copies worldwide, mainly to women, of all different ages, cultures and backgrounds. The book was so popular that Hollywood made a movie out of it. What was the enormous appeal?

The makers of Fifty Shades of Grey call it a fairy tale. We can safely say it meets the criteria of a fairytale, albeit a very adult one, in all its nuances. Fairy tales commonly involve fantastic forces or beings. Christian Grey is definitely “fantastic.” The stories have improbable events that lead to a happy ending. In Fifty Shades, Ana receives the attention and adoration of the most eligible bachelor of the day. Finally, fairy tales are seen as made-up stories designed to mislead their audiences. Fifty Shades of Grey can lead the reader or viewer into dangerous misconceptions of how life can be.

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Love, Freudian Style

In the early 1900’s Freud and his colleagues were developing new and radical ideas about the psychological makeup of humans. It may not seem so today, but their ideas on love were on target.

They theorized what we believe about love is based on our early experience with our main caretakers. Freud and his colleagues said these early events determine, on an unconscious level, what we experience as love.

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